Financial Services, Risk Management & Insurance
At Mason & Hendricks we possess in depth knowledge of Risk Management and the Insurance sector where we cater for the needs of: Fintechs, Insurtechs, Risk Managers, Underwriters, Reinsurers, MGA´s, Brokers, Agents and Captives. Thanks to our specialisation in this sector we are in a unique position to assist companies with technical advice and unique insights with a view to assisting with strategic decisions that will impact bottom line growth.
Product Development
- Product development
- Digitalisation
- Go-to-market-strategies
- Product re-design
- Pricing
- Underwriting Guidelines
- Portfolio analysis
Audits & Assessments
- Current Policies and GAP analysis
- Risk Management (ERM) procedures
- Audits
Market Intelligence
- Market entry strategies
- Competitor Intelligence
- Market Intelligence
- Benchmarking
- Specific Prodcut training
- Sales Training
- Underwriting
- Claims Handling
Management Services
- Interim management services
- Turnaroumd projects
- Change Managment
- Project Management